Friday, January 24, 2020

Sexual Assault and Child Abuse Essay -- Compare Contrast

There are many different types of victims we have discussed over the course of this class, but we’re only going to talk about two types in the following paper. These two types of victims are common just as any another victim across America. These include sex assault victims and child abuse victims, which are both primary victims in cases. The two share a tie together, both are a victim of abuse and can cause lifelong consequences, but they also pose many differences as well. Many questions arise when talking about victims, for example why is a child or adult being abused and what are the life altering affects to these actions. Throughout this paper we discuss both sexual assault victims and child abuse victims and compare and contrast between the two. We’ll start with child abuse victims and the affects and reasons of this abuse. There are four types of child abuse and I will list them in order from least to greatest, neglect, physical, sexual and emotional abuse. Neglect takes first with the NCVS having 54% reports of child neglect in 2007. Neglect is a very serious form of abuse it is the failure for a parent or guardian to provide for a child’s basic needs, including physical and educational needs. We grow and development drastically in the first twelve years of our life so when parental guidance and love is absent it affects a child’s developmental skills along with learning right from wrong. Many forms of neglect occur in larger households and with households with domestic violence. Many parents with multiple kids become too busy focusing on the older children they tend to forget the youngest one. So it’s common for a three year old to walk out of the front door and on to the street when no one is there to tell him or... ...formation about Domestic Violence and Services: †¢ †¢ Karmen, A. (2013). Crime Victims: An Introduction to Victimology. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thompson Learning. †¢ †¢ Kilpatrick, D. G. (2000). The Mental Health Impact of Rape. Retrieved from National Violenc Against Women Prevention Research Center: †¢ †¢ Rainn. (2009). Effects of Sexual Assault. Retrieved from Rape, Abuse and Incest National Netwrok: †¢ †¢ Shannon. (2007). Was it my fault? Self-Blame and Survivors. Retrieved from Pandora's Project:> †¢ †¢ (2009). Types of sexual violence. Retrieved from:

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Examination of Clinical Psychology Essay

Clinical psychology is a broad science that involves psychologists ensuring the mental well-being of a patient. Its focus is diagnosing, treating, and if possible, averting psychological disorders. The field of clinical psychology applies to every demographic from young children to the elderly, families or individuals, and one’s socioeconomic status is not a factor in whether he or she should receive treatment. Clinical psychology deals with a broad range of specialties, including individuals who have been diagnosed with disorders such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder or those who are coping with personal issues, such as being fired from his or her place of employment or going through a divorce. Psychologists in this field offer patients the opportunity to voice his or her frustrations while helping the patient to understand and manage their situations in a healthy manner. Clinical psychologists are skilled in using numerous methods intended to help patients, all depending on his or her area of expertise. History of Clinical Psychology Although established as a legitimate field in the late 1800s, the study of psychology has been dated back as far as 2500 B. C. In those days, approaches to examining mental health included the supernatural, holistic, religious and medical perspectives. Greek physician Hippocrates, also known as the father of ancient medicine, played a considerable role in the development of psychology. Hippocrates developed the theory of humors, which states that four humors, or bodily fluids, are the key to good health. These fluids were black bile, yellow bile, phlegm, and blood (Plante, 2010). Too much phlegm in the body will make an individual tired and lethargic; too much blood in the body would cause irritability; too much black bile causes melancholy, and too much yellow bile causes anxiety. Not unlike present-day doctors, Hippocrates believed a healthy diet and exercise could aid in preventing or treating these symptoms but he was also a promoter of blood-letting, which essentially meant the patient would be bled dry with the intention of returning the four humors to their natural state. Greek philosopher Plato strongly believed that the soul has free will and the body will perform as the soul wills it to. He felt that mental illness is caused by something malfunctioning in the part of the soul that controls reason and an individual’s lack of self-awareness were the cause of the symptoms. Aristotle maintained a scientific emphasis and felt that certain distinct emotional states including joy, anger, fear, and courage impacted the functioning of the human body (Plante, 2010). Another Greek physician, Galen, took all of these perspectives and created one of the most influential medical programs in the history of psychology. Galen shared the same beliefs as his predecessors concerning the theory of humors and blood-letting, and although some of his ideas were imperfect, he was able to make great strides in medicine with his rationalizations of poor health and its origins. With the Middle Ages came a different type of explanation of mental illness. During this time, many people thought the reasoning behind abnormal behavior had more to do with supernatural forces rather than the body or soul. There were some, however, such as Saint Thomas Aquinas and Bishop Nicholas Oresme, who did not believe that mental illness had anything to do with supernatural forces and correctly speculated that these afflictions were caused by physical or mental abnormalities. In the 16th century, Swiss physician Paracelsus went as far as to reveal that he believed the movements of the stars had an effect on one’s mood and developed more civilized treatments for the mentally ill. Subsequent to Paracelsus, Juan Luis Vives and Johann Weyer switched the focus of what causes mental illnesses from the soul and supernatural forces to behavior, and like Paracelsus, advocated for humane treatment of patients. The Renaissance era and the 19th century brought along with them the re-emergence of medical treatments, leaving supernatural and religious approaches behind. It was during this time psychologists learned that affected organs in the body could cause illness and possibly lead to death. Ultimately, the discovery of such scientific findings would usher in a new era of clinical psychology and render Greek ideologies a thing of the past. Psychology officially became a valid field in 1879 when German physician Wilhelm Wundt opened his laboratory of psychology at the University of Leipzig in Germany. Wundt conducted many experiments in his laboratory, with a focus on human reaction. His intent was to study behavior in order to acquire a better understanding of the mind and its workings by using scientific methods. Four years later, Lightner Witmer opened the first sychological clinic in Pennsylvania (Plante, 2010). During this time, many professionals in the field were more interested in experimental psychology and were against the idea of human behavior being applied to clinical situations. Despite misgivings concerning the new field, clinical psychology was able to flourish and has come a long way since earlier opposition. Evolving Nature of Clinical Psychology The evolution of methods of diagnosis and treatment in medicine has been characterized by the gradual accumulation over many centuries of a large body of objectively recorded observations (Routh, 2000). With technology ever-changing to fit the modern standards of today, so too does the field of clinical psychology. New scientific breakthroughs are made constantly in regard to human behavior, the brain and how they relate to one another. To correspond with these new empirical-based findings, clinical psychology evolves its methods as well. A key factor in this evolution is the immense effort put into attempting to understand the human mind, its abnormalities, and where they originate from. Modern clinical psychology is the epitome of scientific progression as it improves its methods of learning as much as possible about the evolving human mind. Research and Statistics in Clinical Psychology Research and statistics are an essential element to clinical psychology. Research is used to verify or refute a theory, while statistics are used to prove the validity and reliability of a theory. The collected empirical results aid researchers in creating helpful approaches to advanced treatments for those who need it. With these findings, psychologists are able to help individuals with a broad spectrum of issues, from relationship problems to more serious matters, such as depression or the death of a loved one. Statistics are applied to determine how essential the gathered data is to the research conducted. The two disciplines combined assist researchers in developing more useful approaches in the treatment of patients. Differences between Clinical Psychology and Other Mental Health Professions Some of the differences between clinical psychology and other disciplines are education requirements, work duties and salary. Individuals who desire to become clinical psychologists must obtain either a Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph. D. ) or a Doctorate of Psychology (Psy. D. ). Those who choose the Ph. D. are focused on the research of psychology and those who choose the Psy. D. are more interested in working in a clinical setting. The work duties of a clinical psychologist include assessing an individual’s mental health and trying to find the most appropriate treatment for him or her by analyzing the patient’s surroundings and interpersonal relationships. Regarding salary, psychologists can earn anywhere from $45,000-150,000 annually, depending on how long he or she has been in practice and how successful that practice is (Grohol, 2011). To become a social worker, one must obtain a Master’s degree (MSW) to work in a school or mental health environment. Social workers help individuals or families to deal with issues such as domestic strife, social problems, or child abuse just to name a few. Depending on the subfield, the salary of a social worker varies. Psychiatry is a field that is often confused with psychology. Though there is not much of a difference between the two, psychiatry deals with the treatment of the mind while psychology deals with the science of the mind. To become a psychiatrist, one must obtain a medical degree followed by an additional four years of training in a medical facility. The one huge difference between psychiatrists and psychologists is psychiatrists have the authority to prescribe medication to his patients as well as psychotherapy. Psychiatrists may earn between $66,000-180,000 annually (Healthcare Salary Online, 2010). Like clinical psychologists, school psychologists must also obtain a four-year undergraduate degree. As the title suggests, school psychologists typically work in school settings evaluating students and creating school plans to fit the student’s needs. However, school psychologists are not only limited to working inside schools. They may also work in private practice, providing consultations for education-based companies. The salary for this field differs, depending on the area. The average annual salary for a 190-day contract ranges from $47,880. 00 to $67,070. 00, while top salaries can exceed $100,000 (National Association of School Psychologists, n. d. ). Conclusion To sum up, the field of psychology has come a long way since its roots in 2500 B. C. Thanks to physicians like Hippocrates, Plato, Wundt, and many others who were able to pave the way for psychologists of today, many people are able to reap the benefits and receive the help that is needed. Technology is ever changing, and with it comes the evolution of high-tech approaches to analyzing and treating the human psyche. Although all of the disciplines under psychology may differ somewhat, they all have the same goal, which is to assist in complying with the necessities of the human mind to impart a continuing aptitude to survive.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Cyber Security And Terrorism Terrorism - 1521 Words

Hector Morales Professor Giordano POL 105 Tuesday Thursday 9:30am-10:45am October 4, 2016 Cyber Security Terrorism In the 21st century, humans continue to advance technology at an incredibly fast rate, which also indicates we become more dependent of the technology. Keep in mind, with more technology being available, new threats emergeï » ¿Ã¯ » ¿Ã¯ » ¿Ã¯ » ¿ constantly in the cyber-world. Everyday society seems to be integrating digitally more and more, meaning the US s infrastructure may be susceptible to attacks. Little is known about America s Cyber Security defenses, if any money or such has been invested in improving our defense, so that we may have sufficient protection against such attacks. It is critical that the government and private sectors (if any) will come in a joint effort to ensure the security of our nation s infrastructure and not be susceptible to any attacks on the digital frontier. The biggest fear of many people and government agencies, however, is the threat of an actual cyber-attack. In general, the public does not know the actual meaning of cyberterrorism. Cyberterrorism is defined as â€Å"the politically motivated use of computers and information technology to cause severe disruption or widespread fear in society†. Everything is being networked, and many of our systems today are reliant on computers and computer networks. Due to these advancements it has led to the rise of hackers and viruses, constantly trying to infiltrate networks on a daily basis. ImagineShow MoreRelatedCyber Terrorism1716 Words   |  7 PagesBank of America was the victim of a cyber terrorism attack; although no definitive evidence is available to substantiate that claim.   Cyber terror attacks pose a threat against the national security of the United States. 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